New Lab Equippment
- Air monitoring
- Chromatography
- Centrifuge
- Filtration
- Particle characterization analyzer
- Pipette & Tip
- pH/ISE/DO/Cond
- Microplate Instrument
- Microscopes
- Lab Automation
- Lab Consumables
- Flow Cytometry
- Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Cellomics
- Metabolomics
- Continuous Monitoring System
- reference Room
- all
- catalogue
- User’s Guide
- application data
- Specifications
- Customer Support
- Warranty registration
- service information
- Demo Request
- A/S application
- Product Q&A
- videos
- notice board
- Notice
- Exhibition/Seminar Information
- Data request
- Event information, application
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Air monitoring
- Sampling Kit
- Bio Monitoring
- Chromatography
- GC Columns
- GC Accessories
- HPLC columns
- HPLC accessories
- Sample preparation
- Sample handling
- Reference standards
- Vials & Syringes
- Protein Purification System(FPLC)
- Centrifuge
- MicroCentrifuge
- BenchTop Centrifuge
- Large Capacity Centrifuge
- Superspeed Centrifuge
- Ultracentrifuge
- Filtration
- Membrane Filters
- Filter Papers
- Syringe Filters
- Test Papers
- Filter Holders
- Protection Filters
- Particle characterization analyzer
- Laser particle analyzer
- Nanometrics (zeta potential measurement)
- On-line particle analyzer
- Spray particle analyzer
- NanoSight (nanoparticle analyzer)
- Morphologi (particle shape particle size analyzer)
- Viscotek GPC System (latest or advanced GPC/SEC system)
- Rheometer (viscoelasticity meter)
- MicroCal (microcalorimetry)
- Pipette & Tip
- Manual Pipettes
- Electronic Pipettes
- Pipettes Aids
- Bottle Top Dispenser
- Stepper
- Pipette Accessories
- Tips
- pH/ISE/DO/Cond
- pH
- Ion Selective Meters(ISE)
- Conductivity
- Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Meters
- Multi-Measurement Meters (pH/Cond./DO)
- Colorimeters
- Turbidity
- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
- On-line process monitor
- UV-Vis Spectrophtometer
- Microplate Instrument
- Microplate reader
- Washer
- Dispenser
- Purification system
- Supporting product
- Microscopes
- Upright Microscopes
- Inverted Microscopes
- Stereoscopic Microscopes
- Polarizing Microscopes
- Confocal Microscopes
- Super Resolution Microscopes
- Cell Culture Observation System (Cell culture microscope)
- Multi-purpose Zoom Microscopes
- Specific Application Microscopes
- Cameras for Microscopy
- Imaging Software
- Accessories for Biological Microscopes
- High Content Screening Analysis(HCA)
- Lab Automation
- Liquid Handling
- LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems)
- Benchtop Automation
- Laboratory Automation Incubators
- Laboratory Robotics
Lab Consumables
Water and Food Analytics
Microscopy (analytical reagent for clinical trials)
Dr Ehrenstorfer
Flow Cytometry
Cell analyzer
Cell sorter
Biomolecular Interaction Analysis (SPR)
Real-Time PCR /PCR
Portable PCR
Real-time PCR reagents
Conventional PCR reagents
General Laboratory Equipment
Gel Imaging
Chem Imaging
Mixer & Thermal Mixer
Manual Nucleic Acid Isolation
Nucleic Acid Extraction Using a Homogenizer
Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction
Reagent for molecular biology
- MobiLab Diagnostics
- Consumables/Accessories
- cDNA synthesis
- Ligation related
- Restriction Enzyme
- Molecular Weight Marker
- In-Fusion Cloning
- DNA/RNA Extraction (TaKaRa)
- Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis
- Nucleic Acid Kits
- IFC Chip
- Gel & Chem Imaging
- Biomolecular Imager
- Single cell biology
- Proteomics
- Electrophoresis
- Blotting
- Power supply
- Antibody
- Protein
- Cellomics
- Cell Culture consumable
- Cell Culture Serum and Reagents
- Bioreactor
- Metabolomics
- HMT metabolomics analysis service
- Continuous Monitoring System (CMS)
- Data loggers
- Transmitters
- Portables
- Validation / mapping system
- OEM probes and modules
- Software